March 29 - 5pm - Mascher Space Cooperative - 1170 S. Broad St.


Contributions to support the artists are welcome at the door

a special evening of performance

Collaborators Side-By-Side incubates new creativity and individual projects from Collaborators (past and present) of The Naked Stark. Each collaborator receives an honorarium for sharing. All donations go to the pool to support the honorarium fund.

Accessibility: The entrance to Mascher Space Cooperative is up 3 steps. There is no ramp. Two non-gendered bathrooms are located in the basement down a flight of stairs. There is no elevator.

Please wear a mask!

  • Dirtbaby Farm is a creative farm business stewarding 1/4 acre of leased land in Northwest Philadelphia. As partners to this borrowed land, we grow fresh, organic vegetables and herbs for our community of neighbors, fellow working artists, mothers and children.

    Dirtbaby Farm is comprised of three worker-members, Arielle Collela, Evelyn Langley, and Amalia Gabriel Colón-Nava, who are also multi-disciplinary artists! Sometimes they embark on performance projects and commissions such as the work-in-progress they will be presenting. Joe Ahmed is a theater artist, writer and collaborator on this project. Will Collela is the musician and composer for this project. Amalia is also a company member and collaborator of The Naked Stark.

    Sunshowers at the Schuylkill is a reimagining of an older work (Sunshowers) presented by Dirtbaby Farm for family friendly special weekend at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in April 2023. We will be presenting some interactive performance ideas and excerpts from our original performance. This work is intended for families and young children.

  • Meredith Stapleton is a caregiver, dance artist, educator, and birth doula. She began working with The Naked Stark in 2016.

    throw is a practice co-created between Meredith (34) and Wynn (3) via early morning studio sessions filled with meditation, contact improvisation, games, and storytelling. throw is a dance for an adult and child, literal and figurative.

    throw is a crisis

    throw is an outlet

    throw begs the question

